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Fuck chrononormativity!

what . Cooperation Schwankhalle / Purple Scare on the series Outrageous.

Illustration as an editorial contribution to R.age by Franziska Mencz and Brigitte Bertele.

when . 02/14 - 02/16/2020

where . Schwankhalle

web .

i.nsta . purple_scare, #shamelesspurple, #outrageouspurple

more .   Design of an editorial cooperation project via Instagram with the Schwankhalle Bremen. Other formats such as Interviews will be published in Purple Scare #3 in the summer.

  • Instagram

1. "As chrononormativity, Freeman describes a temporality that follows norms in a clocked manner. Being in the 'right time' is culturally, socially and economically recognized. This process is racialized, sexualized and gendered and pervaded by the normative of 'non-disability'." From K_eine Zeit by Doris Arztmann.

0. Old people are not discriminated against because they are old, but because society is age discriminatory.

-2. FUCK stable AGE IDENTITIES. FUCK Condensation.

FUCK the right TIMES!

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