in progress since 2021
In the first step, tattoos are usually transferred to the skin with transfer paper.
Tracing the motif with the pen is a process that triggers a physical memory process.
The hand remembers the lines, travels along all curves, knows the tricky corners.
I have no community.
There is no community
and yet they exist.
Physically growing in my chest
and lives a queer joy.
Queer Joy grows from the
evidence of their existence .
I enroll them.
I'll take them in.
A physical action.
No intellectual readability and
but also no living contact.
"Whoever wears a mask puts on make-up
or tattooed, does not attain with it,
as you might think
another body
only more beautiful, more richly adorned
and easier to recognize.
Tattooing, make-up and masking are undoubtedly something completely different.
This is how the body communicates
with secret powers
and invisible forces."
Michael Foucault:
The heterotopias.
The utopian body
(1966) pp. 31-32
The ask that's really needy,
Above all others is the constitutional claim.
Counter, central, constitutional claim.
Never forget the destitute
and poverty-stricken constitutional claim.
How happy is the beautiful trust!
A trust is enjoyable. a trust is nice
a trust is lovely
The fat, added attractiveness
sings like a self love
An added attractiveness is juicy.
an added attractiveness is paunchy,
an added attractiveness is greasy,
Longing is tattoo.
tattoo is longing.
A long is slick. a longing is tricky
a longing is adroit,
Don't believe that the immediate
interest is shallow?
the immediate interest is deep beyond belief.
Down, down, down into the darkness
of the immediate interest,
Gently it goes - the shallow,
the large, the mysterious.
How happy is the ardent yearning!
A yearning is perfect.
a year is fervid,
a year is passionate
femme, bows and nautic stars (…) (2022),
digital collage_drawing,
based on a photograph by Danish photographer and queer porn filmmaker Goodyn Green, as seen in the yearbook My Lesbian Eye 17 (2017) as the cover photo.
sailing ship (2022),
digital collage_drawing,
based on the photograph Jo and Isling (1992) by Del LaGrace Volcano as seen in the book Butch/Femme (1997) by Stephanie Kuhnen.
"She can't resist the temptation to ask if it hurts to get a tattoo. Does it hurt more than a broken heart, she wants to ask, but who dares to be that stupid at her age?”
Helen Hodgman: Midlife, Harleys & Tattoos (1997) p. 193
abstracts & hand (…) (2022),
digital collage_drawing,
based on a photo that my partner took of me with her mobile phone - sitting on the edge of the bathtub after cutting my hair.
"Last but not least, when I get older, I look forward to reading zeitgeist legacies from >earlier< on my body, like a poetry album or something. For example, I'm already flabby now, we're all getting old, this combination can only get better for me if tattoos are added."
Hengameh Yaghoobifarah from Erica Fischer: Feminism Revisited (2019) pp. 163-164
When children paint their loved ones, it's not about eternally perfect copies of reality, but about a process of confirmation, of codification, about an accumulation of love - "Here I am and here are mine"
tribals and a running dog (…) (2022),
digital collage_drawing,
based on the photograph Self-Portrait/Nursing (2004) by artist Catherine Opie, as seen in the exhibition She.Self.Naked. (2013-2014) in the Paula Modersohn-Becker Museum Bremen.